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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That damn girl.

My mommy let my supposed girlfriend in the living room to run and I can't get into it. I want in it NOW! Bella is laughing at me, hahaha I am in the living room and you aren't, I'm running around having fun and chewing on mommy's shirt while you are stuck in the hallway and other bedrooms.

What she doesn't know I get to run around and dance on grandmommy and granddaddy's waterbed, it's bliss. I sleep there all day even tho grandmommy doesn't like it in when I'm in there, but they gave up trying to keep me out of their room. bwhahahaha, nothing can keep me out.

My evil mommy and granddaddy did something evil to me. They held me down and my mommy brushed me with the zoom groom. I growled and grunted and tried to run away, I also snapped my mouth in protest but they refused to listen to me. On the upside I got a banana after they were done with me. Oh what life would be if I got ahold of that evil rubber brush, they'll never see it again, that'll teach them. HAH.


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